Chalchihuitlicue - déesse de l'eau Aztèque ...

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- Statue de Chalchihuitlicue, musée national, Mexico City 

Chalchihuitlicue - La Déesse à la jupe de jade

Figure marquante du panthéon mexicain, la Déesse des eaux douces gouverne le chiffre 3 et la treizaine 1-Roseau. Elle tient le sixième rang des "seigneurs de la nuit". Elle règne sur les ruisseaux et les sources. Le jade, tenu en haute estime par les Aztèques, indique quelle est perçue comme précieuse, tout comme l'eau, principale source de vie.

L'eau est représentée sous forme d'un flux, image du temps et du destin. Les eaux emportent tout sur leur passage : c'est donc un symbole de la précarité de la vie.

La Déesse peut apporter l'abondance, mais elle est sans prise sur les caprices de la fortune. Sa régence est en conséquence très fluctuante.


Aztec Chalchihuitlicue Goddess Greeting Card
Goddess figure from Tajin, 4th- 9th century CE;
turkey from a Teotihuacan vessel 400-600 CE.

  Chalchihuitlicue, Aztec Goddess
of Rain and Flowing Water


The Aztecs believed there were 4 prehistoric ages. The first was "4 Jaguar" during which the giants lived. At the end, the sun carrier Tezcatlipoca was turned into a jaguar who devoured them. During the second age, "4 Wind", Quetzalcoatl became the sun carrier but in the end was defeated by Tezcatlipoca and became a hurricane, killing many people. Those who remained became monkeys.

During the third age, "4 Rain", the sun carrier was Tlaloc, the rain god. In the end he was overcome by Quetzalcoatl and created a rain of fire (lightning) that changed people into turkeys.

The fourth age, "4 Water", Chalchihuitlicue was carrier of the sun. Known as She of the Robe of Green Jewels, she saw much injustice in the world, and created a bridge to the 5th world for those whom she favored. Others were drowned in a deluge that lasted 52 years.

When it was over, she calmed the wild waters and was thereafter remembered during the month of Etzaqualitzl when pilgrims came to ask for rain.







Chamane de l'Eau,

sourcière ...


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